History of the Institute


Dorothee von Laer was assigned as first director of the new Division of Virology (formerly part of the Division of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology


Accreditation of the diagnostics section according to ÖNORM EN ISO 15189:2013


ViraTherapeutics was founded as spin-off company of the Medical University by Dorothee von Laer (ViraTherapeutics was acquired by Boehringer Ingelheim in 2018)

The 6. Deutsch-Österreichische AIDS-Kongress (DÖAK) took place in Innsbruck, organized by Heribert Stoiber


The Division (organized by Dorothee von Laer) hosted the 24th annual meeting of the Society of Virology (GfV) in Alpbach

2016 – 2024

Dorothee von Laer and Janine Kimpel are part of the European Vaccine Alliance
(EHVA), a Horizon 2020 founded multi-national consortium with the aim to advance HIV vaccines.

2017 – 2024

Christian Doppler Labor for Viral Immunotherapy of cancers headed by Guido Wollmann


The name of the Division has been changed into “Institute of Virology”


Dorothee von Laer retired and Gisa Gerold was assigned the new director of the Institute ofVirology

Prof. Dr. Dorothee von Laer

Prof. Dr. Dorothee von Laer

Former Head of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Gisa Gerold

Prof. Dr. Gisa Gerold

Current Head of the Institute