Research Groups

Find information about our principal investigators and their research


Gerold Lab | Cellular Virology

Led by the head of the institute, Univ-Prof. Dr. Gisa Gerold, the Gerold group focuses their research on emerging virus – host interactions.

Kimpel Lab | Infection Immunology and Vaccine Research

Led by Ass.Prof. Dr. Janine Kimpel, the Kimpel group focuses on viral vector vaccines against infectious diseases such as HIV.

Stoiber Lab | Molecular Virology

Led by Prof. Dr. Heribert Stoiber, the Stoiber group focuses on the interaction of retroviruses with components of innate immunity and its effect on adaptive immunity.

Banki Lab | Immunology of Virus Infection

Led by Dr. Zoltan Banki, the Banki group focuses on the immunology of viral infections, with an emphasis on respiratory viruses and oncolytic virotherapy.

Borena Lab | Epidemiology

Dr. Med Univ. Wegene Borena, PhD

Focusing on population-based or diagnostic-related epidemiological data, trends and associations.

Associated Group: Wollmann Lab | Viral Immunotherapy of Cancer