Vision and Mission

The vision of the Institute of Virology in Innsbruck (IVI) is to conduct and promote excellence in research and training for scientists and physicians, as well as to offer cutting-edge diagnostics in virology. The goal of IVI’s diagnostic, research, training, and knowledge-transfer activities is to advance and develop modern virology and improve the quality of human life.
The IVI’s mission is to be pioneer and key partner at the interface of clinical care, research and education. The research and understanding of basic physiological and pathological processes in viral diseases are as much at the center of our work as the preparation for potentially emerging viral pathogens and the use of viruses in tumor therapy and as vaccine vectors. We strive to train competent scientists and physicians in an evidence-based manner in order to address the challenges of the present and future in the field of virology, meeting the expectations of society, the MUI and its graduates. In clinical diagnostics, we offer a comprehensive service for hospitals and private practitioners. Our faculty, researchers, technical staff, and students adhere to high ethical and professional standards, embracing a commitment to lifelong learning. Guided by the paradigm of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we are dedicated to developing innovative solutions in the fields of infectious diseases, monogenetic diseases and cancer.